The Longest Night

Every once in a while, I catch wind of something that makes me laugh at my "witch-ness". 

My practice is based in intuition. I sense shifts in energy before they happen. I notice things happening; but don't pay close attention to upcoming astrological events. 

In fact, on the "witches calendar", the only events I remember are the solstices and equinoxes. 
This year is the first where I have encountered the "longest night" (the night before the shortest day; winter solstice).

This led me to announce, jokingly, that I am a shitty witch. Of course, I'm not...but I thought it was funny. 

I wanted to talk a bit more about my sensing of energy shifts, though - because I am told that there is a "huge conjunction" happening.  Fun fact: this is being called the "2020 Christmas Star".

A quick Refinery29 search tells me that this is actually called "the great conjunction", and it happens when Jupiter and Saturn strike up a conversation at the Sadie Hawkins' dance and get really close to one another.  They only do this once every 20 years.  In reading, I find that one happened in 1981, which means that my birth year was something of a miracle - though it's commonly known that '81 babies are miraculous, in themselves.

This conjunction brings with it (due to our dream duo meeting in the Aquarius constellation in the sky) enormous waves of inspiration and creativity.  I've also read something of liberation; which is what I've been feeling over the last day or so.  This shifting of energy due to the cosmos is going to feel like a wave of relief for some, a great release for others.  

This is prime time to take inventory of thoughts that are no longer serving you, and to contemplate if they ever did serve you at all...followed by a creating of new thoughts, habits, and practices that do serve you.  Why?  Because this is a perfect once in 20 year opportunity for personal growth!  Think about what you've experienced in the past 2 decades.  Those of us who have been "adults" for the past 20 years (yikes!) almost absolutely have a few events that we have taken lessons from.  Might just be a good opportunity to ask yourself, 
"What did I learn from these experiences?"
"If I don't believe I've learned from these experiences, what is there for me to learn from them, now?"
"Am I resisting the lesson(s) held for me in these experiences?"

There is no way to know what the 20 years ahead will teach any of us; but we can be sure that there will be lessons presented to us in all sorts of ways.  As we continue to encounter these lessons, we can keep asking ourselves:
"What lesson does this experience hold for me?"
"Am I resisting the learning in this experience?"
"How can I ease difficulty in learning in this experience?"

And now, a reading for the longest night...a message for solstice from the Murder of Crows tarot.

All reversed, meaning that each card shows us a glimpse of "room for improvement" opportunity for growth. How very ápropos.

Card XIX; The Sun - There are great things to be experienced, joys to behold, and abundance to be had.  What is standing in your path?  What is obstructing the clarity that awaits you?  With limitless possibility, the only true obstacle to joy, is ourselves.  Find a way; over, around, or right through it.

Card I; The Magician - You are aware of your powers; but are having trouble manifesting.  Where is your self doubt rooted?  Challenge the beliefs that lead you to think you are not worthy of the abilities you have.  Ask why you believe this way, and then ask why you don't change that thinking. Find your fire.  Embrace your magic.

Card; 5 of Coins - There are often times that we feel low; as though we are at the mercy and dependent on the charity of people and systems around us.  This doesn't have to be.  Looking within, we can find ourselves empowered; recognizing that we are resourceful unto ourselves, and the solution is already in our hands.  Remember that we know ourselves best, and we best know how to provide for our own needs, in the moment.  In times of struggle, it's important to not give up our autonomy to be placed in the hands of others.  In that way, we truly lose ourselves.

And a card for shadow-based introspection for the dark winter ahead; from the Dark Mirror Oracle. I've added a photo of the page from the book that corresponds to the card.  This is because in studying the card for these purposes, the interpretation from the book is best left to each reader.  My shadow self will interpret this very differently from anyone else's.  
This, in my opinion, is a more ethical approach.

As with every year, the dark winter ebbs away to allow room for the sunshine of spring to come in and reawaken all which has been slumbering during the time of rest.  With the dark, we can recede within.  Work on some inner healing, and reemerge in the spring, a little refreshed, a little polished, a little wiser.  

Fear not the shadow, for without the dark, we cannot see the light.

Hail yourselves!


  1. thoughts on the 5 of coins reading, I would just like to pose that tt is also okay and good to accept the assistance given, just to remember that that does not take your power or resourcefulness. to keep striving and understand that you have strength even if you have to accept assistance. especially at a time like this. Accepting assistance doesn't innately make you weak. believing you are weak for accepting assistance is weak. This is not an argument, I think at the base we are saying the same in different words. Just sharing additional thoughts.

    1. You're absolutely right! I fully agree with you. Thank you so much for your perspective on this!


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